The liver is our largest cleansing organ in our body. It must deal with all digestive functions in the body. The main reason to detox the liver is so it may then do its job of detoxifying the body more efficiently.
The best 3 liver cleanses are lemon juice and warm water, dandelion root and apple juice. These detoxes should be done over a course of a week to 10 days. If this is all new to you, you can start with a short 3 days cleanse and you die-hards, do not detox for more than 10 days.
Ways To Detox Liver Naturally
1. Lemon juice and warm water
Using the juice of half a lemon in hot water, first thing in the morning helps to flush out toxins in your liver.
Lemons, like all citrus, are a good stimulant for your liver and acts as a gentle, natural diuretic. This works as an alkalizer and cleanser.
Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials by increasing the rate of urination which means that toxins are released at a faster rate, helping your urinary tract stay healthy.
This is a daily habit you should start and then you can put off doing big cleanses, like the Master Cleanse, to an annual event.
There really is no rule except for the lemon and hot water. Hot water because it starts to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract which starts the peristaltic action in much the way coffee does and helps you go.
Lemons are also rich in vitamins and minerals that help loosen toxic plaque in the digestive tract. Lemon juice helps get rid of superfluous material. You do need to drink additional water to help with the flush.
2. Dandelion root
This is available as a tea or an extract, both of which can be bought in your local health food store or online. Or you can harvest roots in the spring, before the plant blossoms.
The roots go very deep, so digging after a rain is best. Make sure the ground you harvest from has not been fertilized or sprayed with weed killer.
You need to clean off the roots very well in water, and then cut off the green leafy crowns, chop the roots and soak in alcohol for 3-6 months for extract or chop and dry them for tea.
Make a tea with the root and drink 3-4 times a day. You can add some lemon juice to each cup to act as a diuretic for the kidneys as well.
If you can only find dandelion extract, you can put one tablespoon of that in the hot water instead of the tea.
After each cup, drink another cup of water. In addition, drink extra water each day to help you flush your body of the toxins that are being released.
Dandelion root contains compounds that help the gallbladder and liver produce bile and this bile is what helps it digest your food and separate out toxins. Everything that goes through your intestines gets bile added to it by your liver.
3. Apple juice
Apples are good for your liver! Apple juice, apple cider vinegar and raw apples are all good to take when you want to stop eating junk.
The malic acid helps to unclog the bile ducts in the liver and release or soften any stones so they can be passed. Natural pectin helps clean out the intestines.
This cleanse could also be used with Concord grape juice and Concord grapes, just make sure they are organic.
When the apple juice cleanse is over, slowly add back solid food. Remember to add foods that support the liver like carrots, avocado, raw garlic, dandelion greens, grapefruit, beets, and artichokes.