If you're looking for natural products to add to your skin care regimen, sometimes you only need to look as far as your own kitchen. You don't have to rush out and buy expensive products that may contain chemicals. You can make your own by using foods you may already have.
Homemade Natural Cleansers And Moisturizers
An all natural yogurt moisturizing mask can help give you a bit more hydration and it's relatively inexpensive to make.
All you need is a spoon of plain yogurt, some sweet almond oil and a drizzle of raw honey. Simply mix it up, spread on your skin and leave it for a few minutes, and then rinse it with warm water.
Note that it can be applied while it's still cold to help invigorate your skin or you can wait until it reaches room temperature before applying.
A natural exfoliant can be made with simple table sugar and raw honey.
Simply mix the two ingredients together, splash a bit of water on your face and rub the mixture over your face gently to remove dead skin cells. Rinse with warm water when you're done and pat dry.
You can also make a mask out of fresh fruits.
All you need is an avocado, some strawberries, a banana, a dash of lemon juice and enough milk to thin the consistency down or use plain yogurt if you want a thicker mask.
Mix all of the ingredients in a blender until it's a nice consistency and the lumps are smoothed out then apply to your face. Leave it on for about ten minutes and then rinse with warm water, pat your face dry and add an extra layer of your normal moisturizer.
Other natural ingredient moisture masks:
- Use one or two egg whites mixed with some plain yogurt
- Mix oatmeal and yogurt together for a facial mask
- Pumpkin and honey mixed together makes a great mask
You can take any variation of honey, sugar, oatmeal, yogurt, almond milk, almond oil, olive oil, and mix them up in various combinations. I'm sure you can think of other natural ingredients you already have and come up with your own personal skin regimen.
Some other great natural ways to provide care to your face include using cucumbers and cold tea bags. You may remember your mother or grandmother using these remedies. They still work today as effectively and are easy on your budget.
If you use your imagination you won’t find yourself paying huge prices for natural skin care products. Instead your skin will look beautiful and only you will know how much you actually spent!